Sunday, February 26, 2012

Crimson Tears Steals Music from Metal Gear Solid 2?

In 2004, a game titled "Crimson Tears" was released by Capcom for the Playstation 2.  From what I can see, the game fell under the radar, most likely due to its release near bigger titles like Tales of Symphonia or Doom 3.  The reviews were mediocre and the game disappeared without question in only a few months.  So what does all this have to do with Metal Gear Solid 2?  The intro video to Crimson Tears features Amber, one of the game's three protagonists, leaping from a helicopter in order to infiltrate A.R.M.A. HQ and rescue her comrades.  The music in this cutscene sounds all too familiar.  Check it out:

So it turns out that Crimson Tears stole a piece of the Metal Gear Solid 2 theme.  After some research, the man who was responsible for the cutscene's music, Hiroyuki Kasuya, has zero ties to the Metal Gear franchise.  Interesting stuff.

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