Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mini Review: Journey (PS3)

-Graphics are top notch
-Phenomenal Soundtrack
-Offers an adventure unlike any game before it
-Fairly good replay value
-Online is always interesting
-A great, minimalistic story
-Fantastic art style
-Filled with great tension and emotion

-Very easy
-Starts a little slow if you can't find a partner right away

Overall Score: 9.0/10

Thoughts: I honestly can't get over Journey.  It's truly a game like no other, between its unique style and its attempt to make something different of a game through companionship more than anything else.  The experience is fantastic and almost indescribable without just playing it.  If you have a PS3, you should absolutely play it and make sure you do not spoil anything about it.  Do it.

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