Monday, May 21, 2012

Mysterious Orbital Frame in Early Zone of the Enders 2 Trailer

Recognize this orbital frame?  I doubt it, because this particular frame never made its way into Zone of the Enders 2.  It appeared in an early e3 trailer and never showed up again.  So what is this frame?  And where could it have fit in the story?  Hit the jump to read my take on this cut out frame.  

Back at E3 2002, Kojima Productions released an interesting trailer for Zone of the Enders 2.  Of all the things in the trailer that aren't final, the thing that grabbed my attention above all was the mysterious orbital frame that appears in the trailer, at about 1:08.  Aside from not appearing in the game anywhere, this orbital frame is also seemingly absent from the artbook released with the ZOE 2 Premium Package (I am unsure if it appears in the Visual Works book at this time).  So what could it be?

It's possible that the act of the game involving this frame was simply cut out, with it possibly occurring after Jehuty lands on Mars, given the landscape.  Another possibility is that this frame could be Anubis, with an upgrade similar to Jehuty 2.0 or Naked Jehuty.  But I for one doubt that.  If that were the case, that would have changed the entire story.  And it doesn't seem like the story could have gone through that much of a change.  Plus, Anubis appears in the trailer, looking the same as always.

A little out of place?  Maybe so, at least in the final version
What always confused me about ZOE 2 was the appearance of Zakat, the spherical orbital frame that followed the events of the battleships' destruction before Jehuty arrives at Aumaan.  Sure, Zakat was a really cool orbital frame, and the fight brought with it some great music, but its appearance felt almost random and out of place, given that it was the only orbital frame to do so in the game.  This kind of thing was quite common in ZOE 1, where Leo would end up fighting several large orbital frames after saving a town or before progressing in the game.

So what does Zakat have to do with this mysterious frame?  Well, I believe that this frame may have been part of that one large fight that occurs right after Zakat involving the Space Force's LEVS and BAHRAM's units.  It's possible that this event or one similar to it originally happened near the fight with Leo, and at the fight's conclusion, Jehuty would have to face this orbital frame, who probably led those BAHRAM forces.  Maybe it could have even warned Jehuty of Zakat before it showed up at all.  As for who would pilot it, I suppose at this point one can assume it wouldn't be a major character, but someone similar to Lt. Volkovo, Zakat's pilot.  It would all make sense, as this act in the game could simply be another ranked mission that would make for a grand total of three.  It's not that two ranked missions were lacking.  But I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that maybe, there could have been another one or two of them in there somewhere.

As an action game, ZOE must not disappoint.  It also can't be slow

It really is a shame though that such an interesting looking orbital frame never made it into the final game.  But I guess that's the way it has to go sometimes, especially if it would ruin a game's pacing.  Given how short ZOE games typically are, it wouldn't surprise me if things were taken out that either slowed the game down or made it feel like to much in a short amount of time.  This orbital frame must have sadly been seen as one of those.  But one has to wonder, who could have piloted that frame?  And what great track could have gone to the fight?

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